Sunday, January 24, 2010

The End

It's hard to distill this experience down just solely based on my time in Cairo. My thoughts and beliefs are a cumulation of everywhere I've traveled and all the people I've met and from watching the world simultaneously be built up and suffer under human decay. My words are not meant as an attack against any group of people or cultures – they are simply where I see the world at this time and where I believe changes (much overdue) need to be made.

The time for linear-thinkers is over They've had a good run, they're what has built us up mindlessly to the point we're at now, and we're crumbling. It's time to see the bigger picture and help where needed. Whether it's next door or half way around the world – follow what speaks to your soul. We're all connected – and it's not a linear connection.

Think creatively as it will find more answers to a problem and lends a safe place for different people/cultures to learn more about each other.

There is always room to dream. Dreams are a way to escape where you are – and once you escape you can find your way to any place you want to go – so use your dreams wisely. If you want it bad enough – then go for it and don't give up – get creative – the answers are out there and inside you. Don't let anyone decide your fate. Ever.

The focus on monetary gains is coming to an end. There is little need to consume more than you truly need, for the excess is more than enough to fill the needs of those without. Think quality over quantity, think about who/what you're supporting, think about who you're buying from, where the profit is going. There is so much to choose from in everything you do, every day. Decide consciously.

Don't be afraid to go it alone because you're never really alone. When you're surrounded by people you miss out on personal interactions and miss seeing the deeper beauty the world has to offer – the most amazing things happen when I'm on my own.

This is not meant as a cheap shot at men – I don't hate men. I like/love them and need them in my life for balance. But lets face the facts: over time Men have been poor stewards of the world – they have not made things clean or efficient. They are not smart or thoughtful. This is especially apparent to me in Cairo and was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Women need to step up and take responsibility for where we've allowed men to take.
~Would there be so much hate and war if even 25% of the worlds nations were helmed by women?
I seriously don't think so.
~Would women work more thoughtfully for the needs of the disadvantaged? Don't they already?
I think so.
Women don't need titles like men. We don't need awards like men. If anything – we need to step up and set the new standards.

This last was a conversation that was actually initiated one night by Saira (my Pakistani flat-mate) and was a complete surprise to hear my beliefs echoed in her answers to the worlds woes.

Quite frankly, I believe we have the west to thank for much of this. Our demand for bigger and better, the frivolous and grossly unobtainable glamor that we have advertised to the rest of the world through our movies, TV, and magazines are simply unnecessary and unobtainable for most of the world and have taken our focus off what truly matters in life. The effort to create and acquire more than one's fare share has put such a strain on the world that to stop it is going to take so much conscious effort on everyone's part – creativity is crucial to make this doable.

Where am I going with all of this? I don't have a solid answer but a pretty good idea of what I can create in the future. It doesn't have a name or a title but I have a reason and I can dream and envision a better world than the one I'm in – and that's all I need to keep going. I will go back to Cairo and complete another intensive at Fajr – after two more semesters here (plus finish the book that I made ¼ of the way through) it will be a completely new experience – but without the worry of having to figure the city out.

To be continued...

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