Sunday, January 3, 2010


So - as want to happen - I left early the other morning so I could get in a few moments of review before class. Of course - the taxi driver who had time to kill before a 9pm appointment (and had been waiting around for a while) decided that on the way to school was a perfect time to stop for petrol. Nice considering he could have refuled at the petrol stop 3 blocks from school (he did have 1/4 tank, mind you. I looked) but no - he would rather stop at some place on the way.

The process involves popping the hood and connecting the hose somewhere under there. Maybe it secures employment for station attendants? What was unnerving was that I could hear the petrol filling the tank RIGHT BEHIND THE FRIGGIN BACK SEAT! Yes, the one I'm sitting in. Remember the issue with a particular year model of Ford Pinto's in the 70's (you know - "hit me and we all die" issue). Yes? Well, that has nothing on this since there are a gajilion people in Cairo and at least 1/2 of them drive some sort of car.

For your viewing pleasure - this gentleman pulls up

The attendant will affix the hose but you have to clean your own window

It's a truck. I have no idea where the "engineers" of these fine automobiles would imagine a good place is for the gas tank

If you're wondering, no - I did not make it earlier as planed to get a little review in, but, I was on time.

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