Friday, December 25, 2009


I haven't spotted any pyramids yet - but I've been assured they're still there.

OK - so we all make fun of L.A. traffic, myself included. I worked with people who had a 2 hour commute both directions. I really could not understand why one would choose such a commute. Well - some places you have no choice. Tomorrow - I have a maybe 7 mile commute to the school, not far, but I was told to leave at 7am to make the 8am class. I hope they're being overly cautious. They're locals so I doubt. it. I might be spending my entire time just figuring out a quicker way to/from Nasr City.

Mom - I actually found a nativity scene to add to your collection!

AND FOR THE LAST TIME: I've honestly never been safer than when I travel in a Muslim country. They are all very thoughtful, kind, considerate, patient and forgiving. There are random but heart felt Christmas decorations and a few actual faux Christmas trees decorated complete with snow, plus, quite a few businesses are rotating Christmas music. And I've been given many Christmas blessings (which include a mention of this being the celebration of the birth of Christ), very unexpected and far more sincere than what you hear in the states. Muslims are very conscious of what this holiday represents in the Christian faith. What can you say about theirs?

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